Saturday, October 3, 2015

Five Day Sugar-Free and Whole Food-Full Challenge!!!

Sooo.....I was thinking that maybe next week could be a Five Day Sugar-less and Whole Food-Full challenge for those who are interested in giving it a try. A wise woman said to me just today (and by "wise woman", I mean my friend Joan the Dietician) - "we need to reaquaint our taste buds to something less hyper-sweet". That hit me over the head like a BRICK. Last year, I did 4 weeks of a similar program, fairly intense with lots of meal prepping ~ but I bet we could do a 5 day version of it and take out some of the complicated details (she soaks her nuts and seeds, for example. I don't bother anymore). Comment below if you are interested, and I'll come up with the game plan and some sample recipes. But be will mean NO added sugar, NO breads, NO pasta, NO rice, NO dairy, and NO alcohol. For five days. FIVE. I think it's entirely do-able grin emoticon

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