Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The holiday season is upon us.  And it's my favorite time of year; family gatherings, presents, parties, meals, cakes/cookies/snacks...what isn't to love? I look back to previous years, I think of my waist line and overall weight pre- and post-holiday season.  And I recognize the common increase of several pounds, and a decent amount of bloat to go along with it.  And everyone wants to rationalize it; "you only live once", "treat yourself", etc.  But this year, I'm determined to do something different.  I'm going to be in control of WHAT I eat, WHEN I eat, how ACTIVE I am, and make sure I get plenty of water, rest, and down-time to balance out all of the hustle & bustle.  I have no desire to sabotage the balance I've created in my life thus far; hormonal balance, stress management, and proper rest are my non-negotiables!!! They MUST happen, because I won't go back to the old way of feeling heavy, tired, and sluggish.  Does this describe you?  Does this sound like something you'd like to be a part of?  Email me at and I will help you find your path thru the happy-yet-tricky-holiday season, too :D

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