Friday, September 11, 2015

Fall back into running!!!

Fall is my absolutely favorite time of year.  I love the temperatures, the changing colors of the leaves, the way the air carries a scent of camp fires, pine needles....but I don't necessarily love the smaller window of sunlight.  That being said, I will resort to using the Dreadmill in my basement to get in some cardio if I'm up before the sun is.  I've tried to follow a lot of treadmill routines, but found that they were either far too advanced or to aggressive for me to use more than once or twice.  I developed my own that satisfied my needs for a beginner program that was easily progressed, and based it off of one I found in Shape Magazine over 10 years ago.  It gives just the right blend of speed and interval work to give a nice burn, and also uses the incline feature to adjust intensity without going too fast for my beginner legs :D  This particular routine gave me a burn of just under 200 calories, and just over 2,000 steps.  Not bad for 20 minutes and 1 .28 miles.  I plan on progressing this plan in intensity and duration over the next several weeks, so check back to get the updated plan!!!

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