Sunday, August 23, 2015

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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Zucchini Lasagna

My family has been making this recipe for years....because everyone grows zucchini if they have a garden, which means that they have an abundance of zucchini mid to late summer.  And there's only so much zucchini bread that one can eat!  I made this a few weeks ago when I was prepping my food for the week.  I used a pound of ground chicken, and half of that went into chicken meatballs to snack on.

Recipe for the zucchini lasagna: 

   I used both green zucchini and yellow summer squash. Cut into slices ~1/4 " thick. Line the bottom of your dish with sauce (here's where I used the other half of my ground chicken; added it to some marinara I had on hand once the chicken was browned. Cook the sauce until it is very thick; the vegetables produce a LOT of liquid when they cook off and you don't want your lasagna to drown before it is ready to be eaten!.) Spread a scant amount of sauce in the bottom of your pan (I used a shallow 2 quart casserole, cooking for one!) and then start layering in the zucchini/squash slices. I dot small layers of ricotta, Parmesan, and fresh mozzarella on top of the slices. Spread a layer of the sauce on top. Repeat the layers until you are satisfied ~ I usually get 3 layers. Top the last layer with more cheese (as much or as little as you'd like, I tend to be sparing). 

  I used my toaster oven @ 350 for ~30-35 minutes so that I didn't heat up the entire house on an 85+ degree day. It is done when the knife goes through the layers quite easily. Let it stand until the juices reabsorb to prevent it from being a soggy mess :D

 I almost never follow a formal recipe, just go with what I like and try to keep it healthy. I don't season my ricotta; there's a lot of flavor in the sauce and I try to keep the sodium down. I use fresh basil whenever I can, especially in sauce. I think I tossed in a handful of baby spinach leaves with the marinara, too on that particular day.  Enjoy!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2015


I have been doing Shaun T's new program called CIZE, and I have to say that I was quite skeptical when I first heard about it.  I tried to convince myself that it was only for young people (I'm 43), you had to have at least some dance background (I cheerleaded in college for 2 semesters), and most of all ~ you already had to be in shape.  I'm pleasantly pleased to admit.....I was wrong! 

And...I didn't really believe that this could happen.  Really?  Up to 400 calories with a half hour of pretending that I am a Laker Girl?  Well......

BOOM! Over 400 calories, and yes I was super sweaty at the end.  And the funny part is that for all of my initial reservations about doing this program; I never quite want it to end.  There's the competitive, perfectionist part that wants to keep working on the routine until I have it perfected.  And in terms of isn't bad.  Shaun does his best to break down the moves and repeat them until they are comfortable and up to speed.  I will still make a few mistakes, but I have to say ~ I'm on week 2 and today was the first day of the 3rd routine.  I just know if I were to go out clubbing, bystanders would be mesmerized as I would "trip the light fantastic". 

So...this is week 2 of an 8 week program.  I'll give updates to continue to provide feedback on the routines, and of course...weight loss!  I'm coming into this with an 8lb+ weight loss already.  But I just know I'm going to reach my goals at least by another 30% with this program.

Interested in trying CIZE?  Message me @ 

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